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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
OEM Cuckoo / Coway /Etc HALAL Korea Water Filter Cartridge
** Suitable for ALL BRAND (Hot & Warm / Hot & cold / Hot & Warm & cold) water dispenser and MOST BRAND water system.
** Fully Import from Korea.
** MIld Alkaline filtration system.
Sediment Filter
This filter is for use in reverse osmosis drinking water & ultrafiltration & mild alkaline drinking water filtration as a pre or sediment filter.
All of the materials used in the construction of this product meet or exceed FDA and NSF standards for use in protable drinking water system.
Pre Carbon Filter
This pre carbon made of high purity activated charcoal with superior porous removes organic chemical substance including remaining chlorine contents in the water and assist the function of membrane as well as increasing lifespan.
Silver Carbon Filter
This silver carbon filter inhibits the growth of bacteria within the filter media bed. The addition silver in the GAC of this filter has brilliant performance of Anti-Bacteria.
Pos Carbon Filter
This pos carbon filter made of high purity activated charcoal with superior porous removes organic chemical substance including remaining chlorine contents in the water and assist and maintains fresh water taste by remaining unpleasant gas cantents,
, inorganic polymeric molecules and bacteria.
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